Whether it be because of a failed relationship, or because of a dream that has not come true; a broken heart is one of the most common problems in today’s age. In this article, we are sharing a Dua to Heal a Broken Heart. Young or old, many people face the pain of a broken heart several times in their lives. When we have a broken heart, the pain can sometimes be unbearable.
If Mental anguish manifests into physical problems like headaches, soreness of the throat, overeating, weight gain or loss etc. There are many ways to heal a broken heart, but this dua is one of the most effective ones. If your heart is also broken and you want to heal then you are in right place.
In this post, you’ll get many dua to heal a broken heart. These duas will be helpful to remove sadness from the heart. If you need help you can contact our Maulana Ji. Maulana Ji is always available on WhatsApp.
Causes of Heart Break
Common causes of heartbreak include a failed romantic relationship, death of a loved one, job loss, loss of a large amount of money or wealth, or even something like finding out you have a serious disease. Arguments with loved ones, parents, or friends can also lead to a broken heart.
Working Dua to heal a broken heart
It all depends upon our own mentality and thought processes. The dictionary definition of a broken heart or heartbreak reads, “It is a very great sadness and emotional suffering”. However, a real broken heart can feel much worse than that. Many times, it cannot be put into words.
Which Dua to Heal a Broken Heart
To heal a broken heart, you must first know the exact reason why you are suffering. This does not mean that you should identify the event or action of another person who is causing you suffering. Unintuitively, it means to identify the actual thought which was triggered due to the event or action which is causing you heartache. This will be difficult for the first time, but as you think it over, it gets easier with time. Ask yourself these questions to help you identify the thoughts that haunt you:
- Why do I feel betrayed/left alone/hurt?
- Was this really my fault?
- Why did this event affect me so?
- Does the person who hurt me intentionally actually care about me?
- Why does this action made by that person affect me like this?
- When was the last time I felt like this and what were my thoughts then?
- What were my exact thoughts when the event occurred?
- There is a saying which states, “Time heals all wounds”. This holds for mental anguish too. Knowing this, one should not just let time go by and not worry about your broken heart. Perform dua to remove sadness from heart. It is nearly impossible to do so. You cannot function in life with a broken heart. It affects your daily life and your ability to do daily tasks.
You keep thinking about the event all day and cannot give a hundred percent attention to whatever you are doing. Taking certain steps and making Dua is the better way to go by this problem.
Dua to heal a broken heart
An even better way is a combination of time and taking these steps to heal a broken heart. This method gives the most effective and long-lasting solution. You can be sure that this event or action will not affect you again.
How to perform Dua to Heal a Broken Heart
To start the healing process, which can be long and tedious, take shelter under Allah’s divine presence and ask Him to heal your broken heart. In tough times, the best way to peace is through Allha. Submit yourself to the Almighty and embrace certainty.
- Face Mecca’s direction and close your eyes. Clasping your hands, ask Allah for the strength and vigour to overcome your anguish. Make sure to be as calm as possible.
- However, it is completely normal to become emotional or to cry while making dua as you will be thinking about the events and actions that caused you heartbreak in the first place.
- Do not be hard on yourself. Meaning, do not feel that you are weak for falling prey to a broken heart. It happens to everyone and all the time. To suppress your feelings is to be non-human, whereas allowing yourself to feel your pain and anguish, to allow the pain to pass through you is the most human.
Before any dua, I want to give you some tips to heal a broken heart.
Can Allah heals broken hearts
Seek advice from your parents and from those who love and care for you. At the very least, some of their ideas and teachings will have some effect on your healing process.
In no particular order, follow all of these steps to help guide you in your healing process. You can also add some of your own steps which have been suggested by your loved ones.
- Be around people who love you and whom you love. Do not seclude yourself.
- Learn to forgive yourself and in case of injustice against you, learn to forgive the other person.
- Engage yourself in activities you like. Writing, dancing, singing, reading, or any other hobby which calms you down will do.
- Take care of your body. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Exercise regularly and eat healthy and wholesome food, preferably home-cooked.
- Visit new places and explore your surroundings. Pay attention to the smallest details.
- Revisit old places with new people. Meaning, if there is a specific place in the world which has caused you anguish, visit that place with other people whom you love.
- Learn from your mistakes. Allow yourself to make new mistakes, but never consciously make the same ones again.
- Avoid negativity towards other people. If someone has wronged you, left you or even hurt you, do not hate them for it.
- Make dua and pray to Allha regularly. Going into His embrace is the most comforting of all.
- Have hope that your heart will heal in due time. Hope is the strongest of all human powers, and it is one of Allah’s greatest gift to us.
- If it so happens that even after following these steps, you are not feeling better, seek therapy. Talk to priests and doctors. They will offer invaluable advice on your specific situation. Talk to Allah about your problems, and He will listen.
Some Dua to heal a broken heart
Making dua is having a conversation with Allah, so tell him about all of your problems before asking him for strength, willpower and to heal your broken heart. Be sure to submit to His will, as nothing in this world happens without His consent. Do not seek vengeance, for doing so will corrupt your heart and mind and will not allow you to heal completely. Allah will punish your wrongdoers for their sins in due time.
1st Dua to heal a broken heart
Recite this dua while going to bed, after completing all your tasks, as many times as you can and then go to sleep. Recite this dua with calmness.
“Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, Astagfirullah”
Make sure to lay on the bed and concentrate on your breathing for 10 minutes. Then, try reciting the Dua. You will feel much better in the morning.
2nd Dua to heal a broken heart
- This is best dua to get over someone. Recite this dua after fajr Namaz.
- “YaaHayyuyaaQayyoom, bi Rahmatikaastagheeth”
- Recite this dua at least 100 times. It’s the best dua for heart pain.
- Quran verses for broken hearts
- Below verses are best for to heal broken hearts.
- “Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent is the final home.” (13:24)
This article is all about the best dua to heal a broken heart. If you need any help For Dua to Heal a Broken Heart you can contact our Maulana Ji. Maulana Ji is always available on WhatsApp.